It is that time again!! Time to meet some of the lovely ladies that have been hanging out on my sidebar this month.
Hey! I'm Katie, and I blog over at Loverly She. It started a few months ago as a style/DIY blog, but is quickly evolving into something a bit more diverse. I guess you could call it a life & style blog, and it features lots of outfits, thrifty tips, makeup reviews, and the odd song, poem, or random bit of personal rambling that I have written. I have a bunch of absolutely lovely (and stylish) friends who make regular appearances on there as well. My friends and family are such a huge part of who I am, so I figured it made sense to incorporate them into my blog as much as possible, especially as some of them are very talented artists who I love to prodigiously show off :)
I am Ashley from Life As I Know It! I enjoy blogging about my crazy Canadian
life with 2 Golden Retrievers and 3 cats, as well as trying various DIY
projects!! Feel free to follow along this crazy journey of mine called LIFE!!!
I love finding new blogs and followers!!
friends! My name is Emily and I’m a lifestyle blogger at Newlywed Moments. You guessed it, this year I
got married! So I write about everything from romance to recipes to real
life. Other random facts about me: (1) I love Jesus. (2) I hate coffee but I’m
still addicted to Starbucks. (3) I’m from the northeast but secretly wish I
lived in the south. I’d love to get to know ya’ll better – thank you so
much to Christine for having me on your blog this month!

Hi all! This is Betsy from Musings of a Museum Fanatic. Christine
has been awesome enough to let me hang out this month! As you can tell
from my name I love museums ... I'm hoping to find a job at one but that's
another story for a longer post : ) This Museum Fanatic is not just a one
note gal though I enjoy so many different things and love to talk to you guys
about them! In addition to loving museums I'm also addicted to Pampered
Chef, so much so I became a consultant. Please check out my Facebook
business page as well. I'm working on putting up the current specials
(which are amazing!!!) and posting recipes a few times a week for you.