Thursday, January 17, 2013

My 30th Birthday

Today is my 30th birthday! Holy moly how did that happen!? Time sure does fly by. I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet. I don't think anyone really likes getting older (once you've passed 21 of course) but lots of people have been telling their 30's were they're best years, so I'm hoping this will be the case for me as well :)
Welcome 30, I have lots off plans for you.

Happy Thursday!!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Wishing you a great day and a fabulous year ahead! xo

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a fabulous day!!!

Jenna DeSantis said...

Happy 30th dear!! I hope it is filled with love, I've got about 4 years to go until my 30th. The first few years after 21 flew by.

xxo Jenna @ Demure in Diamonds {dot} com

kate said...

Happy Birthday!!! Today is my 30th, too:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I just celebrated my 30th birthday as well! I hope you had a great time. So far I haven't felt much different than when I was in my 20's.

Jenna said...

Happy BIrthday!

Nikkiana said...

Happy birthday!

B @ then there was we said...

happy birthday, fellow january baby!

Anonymous said...

Happy 30th Birthday!! How exciting! :)

Followed you from the blog hop!

Check us out :)

~Mom Wife Boss Life~ said...

Good job embracing your 30th! I turn 30 this year and I think it will be a toughie but goodie!

xx Kelly

Sabz said...

happy belated!

been following for a while, here to say hello from GFC Hop :)

follow back if you aren't? ;) thanks!

Karrie said...

Happy 30 :)

I'm visiting from the Domestic Geek. I hope you have a great birthday week :)


Karrie said...

* I meant to put month bc it's almost over. My bday is May 3rd but I pretend it's my bday all month long. It really only works when picking what restaurant I go to, but I'll take it ;)

Ashlee @ Laugh with Ash said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Stopping by from the GFC Hop! I would love for you to come visit me at


lesley: the dream tree said...

happy birthday!!
i am 31 and so far the 30s aren't too shabby. they say it's the new 20s, so that's all i can hope for (:
i think you'll enjoy!

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