Monday, February 11, 2013

5 Valentine's Day Posts

1. 15 Ways to Stay Married for 15 Years - Jessica Who This is not necessarily a Valentine's post but it's super cute           and she has some pretty good advise. 
2. My Heart Belongs to Peanut Butter - Living In Yellow These cookies look so delicious.
3. DIY: 10 Thing I Love About You Jar - Creme de la Craft. I think I might actually make this.
4. Fugal Fridays: Valentine's Day Gifts - Oh Summer Candy
5. DIY Love Mug...For Valentine's Day - At The Picket Fence

How was you your weekend?
What are some or your favourite Valentine's post so far?

Today I'm linking up with:
Covered in Grace
Peacoats and Plaid
The Things We Find Inside


Anonymous said...

Everybody's so busy with Valentine's posts. Mine will be on Wednesday. Haha so far, my fave posts are those DIY for Vday gifts I found on Pinterest. Anyway, I found you via blog hop.

lamiss ibrahim said...

I definitely love this site.

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